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Docker and other container platforms



Using docker is a way to quickly try out Certify Management Hub on any OS. This runs the hub services in a virtualized container from an app image file. Upgrades just involve getting ("pulling") the latest image and recreating the container with that. Be sure to setup a data volume to retain your settings between upgrades.

A key thing to know about running apps in docker is that the container should be considered temporary (to be recreated later), so data should not be stored only within the container itself. To host the app in docker properly, you need to specify a persistent data volume to store configuration data (which by default is under /usr/share/certify).

Save this file as docker-compose.yaml

name: certify-management-hub
- "8080:8080"
- certifydata:/usr/share/certify/
restart: unless-stopped

Then from the same path, run docker compose up -d to start/restart the container.


Using the latest version with docker compose is quick and easy:

  • Fetch the latest update with docker pull certifytheweb/management-hub:latest
  • then restart your container (from the path where your above docker-compose.yaml is kept): docker compose up -d

Quick Start directly with Docker Run

Alternatively, to quickly try it out without using docker compose:

docker run --name certify-management-hub -d -v /local/path/to/data:/usr/share/certify -p HOST_PORT:8080 --restart unless-stopped

e.g. docker run --name certify-management-hub -d -v C:\temp\certifydata -p 8080:8080 --restart unless-stopped

  • Fetch the latest update with docker pull certifytheweb/management-hub:latest then recreate your container.

Other common container environments

For simplest setup you can fetch the combined Certify Management Hub image from:

Docker Hub:

GitHub Packages:


Add Storage > persistent volume claim certifydata with mount path /usr/share/certifydata, see also CERTIFY_APP_DATA below.

Certify Agent

Certify Agent is a version of the Certify Certificate Manager service which can run "headless" (with no UI) on many different platforms.

Docker Example

To run an instance of the agent and point it to your management hub:

docker run -v <your data path>:/usr/share/certify -e CERTIFY_MANAGEMENT_HUB=https://<your hub API>/api/internal/managementhub

Where your data path is a path on your host machine where you will store settings, e.g. /Users/macos/certifydata or C:\CertifyData - you can make these paths anything you like depending on your requirements. The key thing is that when you update the container you will run it with the same path in order to use the same settings again.

Environment Variables

CERTIFY_APP_DATA : Specify an alternative path to store core service settings.

CERTIFY_MANAGEMENT_HUB : Specify the management hub API URL when working with multiple containers e.g. http://certify-api:8080/api/internal/managementhub

CERTIFY_SERVICE_HOST : Specify the backend agent host when working with multiple containers.

CERTIFY_SERVICE_PORT: Specify the backend agent port when working with multiple containers.